Time Warner Cable Bandwidth Caps Coming

Time Warner Cable is planning on introducing a tier based bandwidth allocation system in Austin TX, San Antonio TX and Rochester, N.Y.

Similar to recently implemented cell phone data plans that most carriers now enforce, TWC is introducing 5GB, 10GB and 40GB plans priced from $22.95 to $54.90 a month in these markets. Users that exceed the limit will be charged $1 for each GB they go over. TWC will be spinning this price structure as an opportunity for consumers to realize a cost savings if they drop to a lower priced tier. However, a look at the chart below reveals that even the maximum 40GB cap offered is so low that consumers could easily exceed it and encounter huge fees.
Think about everything we use the internet for. Phone calls and video chat on Skype; downloaded music from iTunes or Amazon; streaming music from Pandora; video entertainment from Hulu and Netflix; online game play on Xbox Live or WOW and the list goes on.
What this is really about is that cable and phone companies are seeing the coming obselesence of their services. Many consumers including myself have already dropped all cable TV and landline phone subscriptions. The cable companies don't like that consumers are obtaining free or cheap phone service over Skype instead of subscribing to their expensive VOIP services. Almost all TV shows can now be watched online on Hulu, Netflix, or the TV network sites. Hollywood hits can now be watched online from Hulu, Netflix, Blockbuster or Amazon making cable's expensive premium channels obsolete.

Interesting Facts

40 GB is:
Around 9 hours of high def video. (Hulu HD, Netflix HD, etc)
Around 45 hours of SD video. (Standard Hulu, Netflix, etc)
Around 4,000 hours of X-Box Live/PS3 Network
The average American watches around 150 hours of TV per month
The average size of a song on iTunes is 4MB
The average size of a SD movie on iTunes is 550MB

Contact realideas@twcable.com with all complaints/comments for TWC.

Rochester TWC Contact Information:
Customer Service 585-756-5000 or 1-800-756-7956
Level 3 support number: 1-585-756-1119
Colleen Bernard at TWC Customer Care: 585-756-1202

Austin TWC contact info: Customer service: 800-418-8848

San Antonio TWC info: Customer service: 210-244-0500

Many thanks and kudos to http://stoptwc.info/

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phlezk said...

who cares? switch services.
