First Lady of Star Trek Beams Away

The 'First Lady' of Star Trek, Majel Barrett Roddenberry, widow of "Star Trek" creator Gene Roddenberry, passed away yesterday at age 76.
She was perhaps the most prolific Trek actor, appearing in every Trek series as various characters and heard in nearly every Trek episode and four of the films as the computer voice. Most seen as Nurse (later Dr.) Christine Chapel in the original series and films, she actually had an earlier role in Trek's first pilot, The Cage, as Number One, second in command of the Enterprise.
Later she appeared in The Next Generation as recurring character Lwaxana Troi and reprised her computer voice role in JJ Abram's upcoming Star Trek film.
Majel also popped up in various other Roddenberry productions like The Questor Tapes, Planet Earth, Genesis II, and Earth: Final Conflict.
I had the privilege of meeting her at an early 90's convention and actually got to speak with her at length about the direction of Trek, without a line of fans behind me. I heard her speak at conventions and she was perhaps the most passionate convention speaker as she spoke about the future of humanity and scientific exploration.
She died peacefully, in her sleep, and was surrounded by family and loved ones at her home in Bel Air, California.
"My mother truly acknowledged and appreciated the fact that Star Trek fans played a vital role in keeping the Roddenberry dream alive for the past 42 years. It was her love for the fans, and their love in return, that kept her going for so long after my father passed away." - Eugene "Rod" Roddenberry, Jr.


phlezk said...

great post Chris. I didn't know anything about her, now I do. I didn't know she actually had a role in so much of the series. RIP.
