Austin Teacher Sees Light, Now Loves Linux

Update on Thursday's post below regarding the Austin teacher Linux incident:
Ken Starks of HeliOS Solutions has been posting his conversations with Karen, the offending teacher, on his Twitter feed. Watch the Linux soap opera unfold [most recent at top]:
k is considering an open letter to the Linux Community. Waiting for emotions to settle, may "out" herself to a trusted Linux Journalist. k discovered E17 2nite-called to ask about Elive. Has found combination of k3b and distrowatch. Note to Fry's - stock lots of blanks. Lots learned today. She has three different environments to explore and decide which she prefers. I prefer my home right now. I'm exhausted Fini Two desktops dual booting, one laptop Mandriva 2009 solo, has online manuals for all. Not sure she's going to spend time in forums.. from web

Mandriva is installed now on the dell laptop and is updating via yum. we're going to go get something to eat. Be back later to boot. Second one complete, currently playing in the Mint playground. Loves the "safe updates" and the snappiness of the system. Luv@ first site

Three computers to install - one down two to go. First - Mepis RC. Flawless install, stunning desktop presentation. Everything works OOTB Cover me....I'm goin' in colleagues talked her into civil litigation for privacy violation, now on hold. Am installing Linux on her computer this Saturday. from web

45 minute conversation with Karen. Educated her on FOSS/Linux. Apologies flowed, she is in awe of the Linux/FOSS Community. Text received: can I call u? response: I guess who r u? received:Karen response:k. Talked with her twice that day. Tearful, frightened. from web

