Business and finance talker and Radio Hall of Famer Bruce Williams has announced the end of his self syndicated radio show March 5th. In a letter posted on his official website, he stated in part:
...After a great deal of thought, I have concluded, as has been said many times, “all things come to an end”, and this is true for me of my radio career. As a consequence, it is my painful chore to announce with much regret that March 5th, will be my last Network broadcast...There have been enormous changes in our industry in the past 3 ½ decades. Those of you who have been in the business for a long period of time know full well many of the things to which I elude. Those of you running independent stations are more aware then anyone of the challenges you face. The last several years have been very difficult economically for most. There’s no question that there will be continued innovations in this enterprise and the choices are clear, adjust or leave..... I never expect to retire in the traditional sense. Some people look forward to sitting around the fireplace, playing golf, etc. That has never been my ambition. I enjoy working and will continue as long as I am physically capable. One door closes another door opens. I hope this is to be the case in this instance. To be continued…..
I have learned “never say never”. This moment is closing a chapter of my life, which has meant a great deal to me. I have no broadcast plans. This is not to say that if someone made an overture that I would automatically say no. Unlikely, but the door is never firmly closed...
Gratefully and Very Cordially,
Bruce H. Williams
The New Jersey native who began his radio career in 1975 and was one of the original NBC Talknet talents in 1981 along with Sally Jesse Raphael, had been self-syndicating his show in association with Rocky Mountain Radio and Global American Broadcasting.
Goodbye, my friend. I wish you well.
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