A few months old, but relevant and eye-opening in light of the Facebook login debacle of last week.
Last week Read/Write Web created a minor flurry online after hundreds of people mistook the blog site for Facebook. Read/Write Web published a post entitled Facebook wants to be your one true login, which Google ranked very highly for the search term “Facebook login”. As a result, hundreds of people typed “Facebook login” into their search engine, clicked on the RWW link and thought they’d arrived at a redesigned Facebook. So they complained in the comment box.[via Telegraph]
The comment thread is hilarious. Ida Mitchell complains: “LIKED THE OLD FACEBOOK SING IN………….” That should be ’sign in’, I imagine, but I like the thought that somewhere there’s a Facebook “sing in”.
There are more than 1,600 comments, with long chains of users complaining that they can’t login to Facebook broken by the occasional bemused RWW regular trying to respond to the post or simply figure out what’s going on.
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