Pompous Blowhard Jack Thompson Disbarred

Anti-video game crusader Jack Thompson has been permanently disbarred.
Judgment has been entered in the case that started last year and came to a head when Judge Dava Tunis recommended permanent disbarment for the bombastic, showboating law man. The court has approved the report and has ordered that JT is official disbarred as of 30 days from today.
This is related to the hissyfit he threw back in June when he walked out of his own disciplinary hearing. In a long winded statement to the court, he wrote “Try to get me disbarred. Go ahead, do your worst, Referee Tunis. I will continue to do my best.”
The original complaints against Thompson referred to "false statements of material fact to courts and repeatedly violated a court order," sending "hundreds of pages of vitriolic and disparaging missives, letters, faxes, and press releases," and sending court officials " inappropriate and offensive sexual materials."
So long, Jack.

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