Poor Superman. His last movie was a disappointment, and now his DC Comics stablemate Batman is getting all the box office glory. But Warner Bros. has a plan, according to the Wall Street Journal, to reboot the Superman franchise, and its DC superhero properties in general. That plan, in a nutshell: Do what Marvel does.
The two prongs of the plan: First, make a bunch of related movies about individual DC heroes (including Green Arrow, Green Lantern, the Flash, and Wonder Woman), then tie them together with a group tale (the planned Justice League film.)
Second, make the characters all psychologically darker.
Sound familiar? This obviously worked well with Batman, a dark hero if there ever was one, but Superman? His persona is a complete opposite of the Dark Knight. Superman represents the best potential of what humanity can be while Batman represents our darker nature. I'm not saying there isn't room for a more serious film, but Warner is misguided if they think Superman is appropriate to be a 'psychologically dark' character. If they really want to go down this path, they should make a Batman/Superman film and have the two characters play off each other.
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