Consumers Shun Blu-ray Players

A recent survey released by ABI Research gaging consumer interest in the Blu-ray Disc format states only 23% of consumers are likely to buy one and 40% said the picture quality was only "somewhat better" than DVD. The lukewarm response to Blu-ray shows that most consumers don't see enough of a benefit to switch to Blu-ray.
In a survey of 1,000 consumers, ABI Research found more than half of the respondents citing "other priorities" as their reason for having no plans to purchase a Blu-ray player. The 23% likely to buy one said they wouldn't until sometime next year.
In the case of movies in the Blu-ray format, more than half of the respondents said it was "much better" than standard DVD, but another 40% said it was only "somewhat better." Most of the respondents said they were very satisfied with the performance of standard DVD players.

In other news, Sony, evidently living in an alternate reality, is stating in just over 2 years, Blu-ray will outsell DVD. The only way this will happen is if players reach the under $200 price point and Blu-ray movies cost the same or almost the same as DVDs. Neither looks to happen this year.

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