Black Holes Reveal More Secrets

Scientists say they have unlocked some of the secrets behind black holes, the gravitational fields known for sucking up light and stars from the Universe.
In a report in the journal Nature, US researchers say they have worked out how black holes emit jet streams of particles at close to light speed.
The University of Boston team say the streams originate in the magnetic field near the edge of the black hole. They say it is within this region that the jets are accelerated and focused.
Despite the fact that it is probable that a black hole lurks at the centre of our Milky Way galaxy, astronomers still know very little about these celestial monsters which vacuum up almost everything in their path, even light.

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Unknown said...

The observation of supermassive black-holes at the centers of all observed galaxies is pretty much established and accepted by the greater scientific community.

Let me tell you of some breaking news that is still controversal and being debated. As you may know, one thing that cutting edge articles often mention is that there needs to be a new cosmological model to explain the gaps in understanding that currently exist. Perhaps I am presenting you with such a model:

Before you begin reading, let me warn you that it possesses one serious and ominous implication: that mini black-holes are stable, which is of immediate concern because LHC plans to build man’s first mini black-hole. Therefore, because of the immediacy of the threat, the book was written oriented to the “lay” reader…not the scientific elite. Therefore, the real model doesn’t start until page 12, and more is “explained” than would be the case in a scientific journal.

The new model has bee hotly debated on my blogspace for the past five months. To date, none have found a hole in either the science or the logic. The mainstream media has ignored all my attempts to alert them—which is semi-understandable given the nature of the threat—the implications don’t even seem “real” to me, but the model holds firm.

Please consider starting a topic related to the new model. If mainstream media won’t pick this up, maybe the key is within the bloggosphere. Your blog reaches people I have not. If the new model is correct, the only way to stop LHC is through public pressure, you blog could be instrumental in achieving that goal.
