No, this is not an early April Fools story. I think.
Deutsche Telekom, owners of the global T-Mobile brand, has sent a legal notice to Engadget Mobile demanding they stop using the color magenta.
David Beigie, vice president of corporate communications for T-Mobile US:
"As a trademark owner, from time to time Deutsche Telekom looks at usage that could lead to confusion in the marketplace. The letter sent by DT merely outlines these perspectives and is meant to simply open a dialogue. Engadget continues to pioneer forums for discussion of wireless industry developments and innovation. T-Mobile respects the role Engadget and its readers play in advancing dialog on these important topics."
Can a company copyright a color? Yes, as it relates specifically to their brand. For example, UPS has a trademark on brown as it relates to their brand and the type of business their brand is known for. Here DT is apparently trying to exercise it's copyright on the usage of a specific color of magenta as it relates to their branding. Whats funny is the magenta Engadget Mobile uses (ed008c) is a different magenta than T-Mobile's (e10370) but I think they take issue more with the way the word 'mobile' is colored with it.
read more | digg story


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Thanks for some quality points there. I am kind of new to online , so I printed this off to put in my file, any better way to go about keeping track of it then printing?
