Disney Producing Tron Sequel For 2011

Disney may be booting up the Master Control Program again, if reports are correct about an upcoming sequel to the 1982 film Tron. According to film site Dark Horizons, Disney is also gearing up to release sequels to Cars, National Treasure and Pirates of the Caribbean for that year.
Tron was one of, if not the first, big studio film to extensively use computer graphics and animation. Tron had only moderate success at the box office in 1982, fighting E.T., Star Trek II, and Blade Runner that summer, and gained more of a following on home video and television airings. The film spawned an arcade game (which I played numerous times in the 80s) and several home computer and console games. The film was snubbed by the Academy Awards that year, they refused to nominate the film for visual effects, reasoning that the filmmakers 'cheated' on the effects by using computers to achieve them. How things have changed.
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