Craigslist Hoax: Everything Is Free!

A hoax ad placed on Craigslist offered an Oregon man's belongings to anyone willing to come pick them up. The only problem was, the owner didn't place the ad. The hoax led to people carting away nearly everything accessible from his property ... stopping just short of taking his horse.
The man was out of town at a nearby lake when he got a phone call from a woman who stopped by his house to claim his horse. Heading back home, he saw trucks loaded with his property passing by. He stopped one, and inquired as to what was going on. "I informed them I was the owner, but they refused to give the stuff back," said Robert Salisbury. "They showed me the Craigslist printout and told me they had the right to do what they did." When he got home there were close to 30 people rummaging through his stuff. Everyone seemed to be armed with a printout of the Craigslist ad, as if that justified their continued ransacking even as the homeowner stood there telling them to leave.
This kind of thing has happened before about a year ago. I wonder what kind of legislation lawmakers will try to pass as a result of this.

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