Netflix Chooses Blu-ray Over HD-DVD

In an additional blow to fans of the HD-DVD format, Netflix Inc said today that it would exclusively stock Blu-ray Disc particularly after Warner Bros decision in favor of that high definition disc format. Netflix had previously stocked both Blu-ray and the competing HD-DVD format since they first came on the market in early 2006. Netflix said that with such a clear signal from the industry, it will only buy Blu-ray discs going forward and will phase out stock of HD DVD by about the end of the year. Is this the final prop kicked out from under fans of HD-DVD? If you want to enjoy discs from the remaining studios that produce HD-DVD your choices of how to do so are getting really thin. Does anyone else smell money changing hands here? Netflix could have easily continued to carry a limited selection of HD-DVD discs while the format is still around. Now Blockbuster Online seems to be the only major outlet where you can rent HD-DVD.

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