Toshiba Defiant After HD DVD Setback

I really feel for the people over at Toshiba. I like Toshiba, and was hoping that if either HD format ended up winning, it would have been HD-DVD. I also agree with a lot of the points Jodi Sally made at Toshiba's press conference held yesterday in the wake of Friday's crushing Warner announcement. Toshiba makes virtually all the HD-DVD players and was a leader in the development of the format.
"It's difficult for me to read the comments of the pundits that HD is dead," said Jodi Sally, vice president of marketing for digital audio and video at Toshiba America Consumer Products. "We've been declared dead before."
Akio Ozaka, head of Toshiba America Consumer Products, said the company was surprised by Warner's announcement Friday. "We were particularly disappointed that the decision was made in spite of the significant momentum HD DVD has gained," Ozaka said.
Instead of announcing a fourth-generation HD DVD player as previously expected, Toshiba took the opportunity to simply reaffirm its faith in the format, and point out features like Web connectivity and the presence of Ethernet ports on every player, which Blu-ray does not have.
Full AP story

