Gizmodo Staffer Banned From CES

The biggest events from this year's CES turned out to be the Warner announcement that was made before CES even started, and a prank pulled by one or more attendees from the Gizmodo blog. Dubbed Gizmodogate, it has become the subject of endless discussion and speculation as to what would happen to Gizmodo as a result. This didn't take long.
The CEA, who runs CES, has released an official statement.
We have been informed of inappropriate behavior on the show floor by a credentialed media attendee from the Web site Gizmodo, owned by Gawker Media. Specifically, the Gizmodo staffer interfered with the exhibitor booth operations of numerous companies, including disrupting at least one press event. The Gizmodo staffer violated the terms of CES media credentials and caused harm to CES exhibitors. This Gizmodo staffer has been identified and will be barred from attending any future CES events. Additional sanctions against Gizmodo and Gawker Media are under discussion.
Since then, Gizmodo has issued no real apology, and Richard Blakeley, the Gizmodo staffer that started this whole thing, is now selling his CES badge on Craigslist; and this stunt is being promoted on another Gawker blog, Valleywag.
This may turn out to be bad news for bloggers, who after years of trying to be taken seriously only recently have begun to be allowed into CES. What's worse is Gizmodo was allowed full press credentials, instead of the lower 'blogger' designation. There is speculation Gizmodogate could lead to lowering the attendee status of even well established blogs; or the elimination of blogger attendees altogether.
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