From the 'you just can't make this stuff up' department...The mayor of Honolulu has complained about a promotional item inserted into special edition DVD releases of the recent film Superbad made exclusively for Wal-Mart; so much so that he requested that Wal-Mart stores in Hawaii remove it from their shelves. And they have complied.

Mayor Hannemann said, “We’re very pleased that Wal-Mart has taken prompt, corrective measures to comply with the City’s request to protect the integrity of our driver’s license. It was foolish of the movie studio to include this prop in the DVD, particularly because it could be used by unscrupulous people to deceive others who are unfamiliar with our driver’s license. For example, those who saw ‘Superbad’ know the underage teenager used his fake Hawaii license to buy liquor.”
Now an internet meme, one of the characters of the movie creates an obviously fake drivers license using the oddly chosen sole name 'McLovin' which becomes an ongoing joke in the movie. The promotional card included with the DVD is clearly not designed to make anyone looking at it believe it is a real Hawaii drivers license. The lenticular card has one name and picture when initially viewed, then displays the 'McLovin' name and alternate picture when shifted. The back is plain white with those glue spots on it that manufacturers use to affix items in retail packaging, and the date of birth printed on it indicates an age of 17. Not to mention you would have to look like actor Christopher Mintz-Plasse to use it.
Although Wal-Mart performed this action in Hawaii, it does not currently plan to expand this removal to other states. Sony Pictures even commented on the issue, stating the 'license' "has a shifting, dual photograph and other features to make clear it's not a real I.D."

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phlezk said...

"Integrity of our drivers license"


At least Hawaiians can still get it online. Sheesh!
