Man Sues To Worship Thor In Prison

This guy may have spent too much time reading Marvel comics.
He is suing for the items he needs to worship the ancient Norse gods...including, apparently, Mjolnir, Thor's hammer and other items. Interestingly, inmates at Washington State Penitentiary in 2001 successfully sued for their right to wear a Thor’s Hammer pendant while the prison had refused to allow them to wear it.
An inmate is suing the Utah Department of Corrections for denying him his right to practice an ancient Nordic religion while behind bars. Michael Polk is serving time for aggravated assault and robbery. He filed a lawsuit against corrections officials in federal court, accusing them of denying him religious items that he says are necessary to practice the Asatru religion. The religion worships ancient Nordic gods like Odin, Thor, Tyr and order to properly practice it he needs items including: a Thor's Hammer, a prayer cloth, a Mead Horn used for drinking Wassail, a drum made of wood and boar skin, a rune staff and a sword.
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Anonymous said...

He also needs a pyschiatric assessment and so does anyone who agrees to his demands.

scurl said...

i can see not giving him the sword, horn or drum, but by all rights he should have his hammer. i also worship the ancient gods, and to have that taken away is a HUGE slander on our religion. and anyone who thinks that people who worship the nordic gods need psychiatric help perhaps should seek it themselves, and perhaps do a little research.

Anonymous said...

How about a compromise then, retry his case under the same laws that the orginal practioners of that faith would have observed which would probably mean that we could just kick his ass over Bifrost the rainbow bridge and into the halls of Valhalla (read capital punishment). If he really is into his religion, he will welcome the the chance to meet Thor himself, (if he'll have him)!

Anonymous said...

Thor is great!

Anonymous said...

Great read! Maybe you could do a follow up to this topic =D

Anonymous said...

I am doing research for my university paper, thanks for your brilliant points, now I am acting on a sudden impulse.

- Kris

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Anonymous said...

Thor is awesome I was a fan way before the movie I see no reason why a man should be denied his right to worship Thor why does it seem so ridiculous millions of people worship a God they have not seen or heard anything from we should all be more tolerant of peoples religion

Anonymous said...

@zack a horn is not what your probably thinking about. To put it in simple terms it is a cup and there is no reason to deny him the right to have a special cup in the worship of his god.
