Wired Exclusive: I Was A Hacker For The MPAA

Remember that incident about the MPAA paying a 'hacker' $15,000 for stolen emails? Well 'hacker' Robert Anderson now tells for the first time how the MPAA promised him money and power if he provided confidential information on TorrentSpy, a popular BitTorrent search site.
In 2005, the MPAA paid Anderson $15,000 for inside information about TorrentSpy. That much is not disputed. The rest of his story is being disputed by the MPAA. Evidently much of his information he obtained were from emails belonging to TorrentSpy which Anderson would intercept before even being delivered to them. He states he accomplished this by guessing the password in 30 tries.
If nothing else, this story should teach us that email isn't truly private or secure unless you encrypt it using special software or a service like Hushmail. And if you do, use a better password than TorrentSpy evidently did.
read more | digg story

