Voyager Still Plugging Away 30 Years Later

Voyager 1 was launched Sept. 5, 1977 atop a Titan rocket with a Centaur-6 upper stage. Still operational for 30 years, Voyager 1 is more than 103.2 astronomical units away from the Sun. Astronomers believe it has now entered the solar system's heliosheath -- the termination shock region between the sun's solar wind and interstellar space. Signals from Voyager 1 take 13 hours to reach Earth, traveling at the speed of light. Follow the link for 24 pictures from and about Voyager 1.
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phlezk said...

that is @#$%^&* amazing! I've always wondered if it was still sending signals! Wow, and how is data such as photos transmitted back? Does it still send back photos?

"My god, it's full of stars!"

This kind of stuff makes me cream my panties.

Sabine Hossenfelder said...

Isn't it weird to know that something human made is flying through outer space, possibly reaching other civilizations - some time?

You might also be interested in our post Voyager's Grand Tour.


