Mystery eBay 'Hack' Exposes 1,200 Accounts

Folks, if you use eBay, get the $5 security key from Paypal and be done with this nonsense. Don't live in fear of your Paypal or eBay accounts being hacked. And learn to protect yourself from online scams! Here is a list of over 30 well-known eBay scams.
From arstechnica:
eBay is one of the most successful Internet-only ventures of all time, so it's not surprising that it has come under near-constant attack by fraudsters and hackers. In the latest attempt, a hacker logged on to the eBay Trust and Security forums and pretended to post as 1,200 separate users, making it appear as if he had actually logged in with each user's account. The posts contained the users' names, contact information, and credit card numbers.
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