Blu-ray vs. HD-DVD: Scam of the year?

When I talk to regular people about the HD formats, most are either unaware of them, don't see the need for them yet, or are utterly confused about them. The point of this format "war" is lost on them. In fact, both formats are selling so poorly that it is ridiculous to even call it that. To be sure, both formats offer impressive storage capacity and features which are particularly applicable to gaming. But for movie playback, do most people see the need to get yet another movie playback device, even if it offers improved video quality and features?
Speed over at has written an article which elaborates on the format "war."
Since the launch of Sony’s PS3, the hi-def platform war is at full speed. Blu-ray Disc and HD-DVD are competing to win us all over and become the standard format for all our home entertainment needs. But do we actually care? And should we give in to the Hi-def hype that’s being poured over us on an almost daily basis?
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