
Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. I hope to bring you a variety of interesting "cool tidbits" that may make you laugh, make you think, inform or possibly anger you.
Topics will undoubtedly include science, technology, consumer affairs, gadgets, and experiences as they relate to these.

Something about me
I've wanted to try something like this for a while now, and just decided to go for it today.
I am in my 30s, a retail manager at a national chain, a technology enthusiast, and have used computers since I was in the sixth grade. I have worked in radio and used to have my own VCR repair shop back in the early 90s, when people used to have things repaired.
Feel free to email me or leave your comments and we'll see how this goes.
Thanks for reading!


phlezk said...

6th grade! awesome! was that those punchcard computers? lol
