My first inclination is to ask, what is the point of this device? With Wikipedia accessible on every internet connected device already, is there a market for a handheld dedicated device like this? Clearly this is directed towards people that don't have a smartphone, netbook, or Kindle. And it does not use a wireless signal, the Wikipedia content is a static version already loaded on the device. This means you have to purchase updates and get them installed to the device. One of the key ideas behind Wikipedia is that it is an always evolving knowledge base. Information about recent events is available pretty quickly. You definitely lose a key part of the Wikipedia experience on this thing.
Still, I could see getting this for non-internet savvy seniors or children that are too young for their own laptop (and don't already have a PSP or NDS, I suppose.) With the parental control features, it seems OpenMoko thinks the same thing.
Still, for $99 (don't forget those updates, $29/year or free for the tech-savvy with fast broadband) I think this is a little expensive. At a hundred bucks, we are in NDS or almost PSP territory, both of which can browse Wikipedia (plus the actual web.) I've even seen cheap handheld internet tablets for under $200 online.
I have an idea, OpenMoko. How about you sell us the Wikipedia file on an SD card or download and we can make use of those old Palm devices lying around?